
Take your part in our community consultation

Please tell us about yourself and your opinions in surveys relevant to The Ledward Centre and our stakeholders. The surveys available will be updated from time to time, so keep checking back.

Current surveys

The Ledward Centre Community Consultation Survey

Community Consultation Survey

We’d love to hear what you want from your Ledward Centre. Our Community Consultation Survey takes about 15 minutes to fully complete, though partially completed forms are valuable too!

Please feel free to contact your friends with details of the survey so that everyone has the opportunity to give their views.

For people who can’t complete the digital survey, you can download a printable copy of the survey for them to fill out and return by mail to Freepost GSCENE.

Previous findings

Count Me In Too

In 2006, 819 people completed questionnaires and 69 people discussed issues in focus groups. One of the recommendations was the creation of an LGBTQ+ centre in Brighton & Hove. This has become The Ledward Centre.