Step by step, putting it together…

[Average reading time: 3 minutes] Over the last couple of months we have been busy planning and obtaining quotations for the conversion of the building. We recognised that the architect’s original drawings, while extremely good, would prove too costly. We redrew the plans to ensure better use of the limited funding available. What we did not want to do was to compromise on the needs identified by our communities when we commence construction. We had to find a way around some major cost items.

Meeting All Our Community Needs

[Average reading time: 8 minutes] In 2018, two significant reports were published, one by the National LGBT Survey and the other by Stonewall. These demonstrate that LGBTQ+ communities experience disproportionate levels of loneliness, social isolation, mental health issues, domestic abuse, suicide, homelessness, physical health issues, poverty, food poverty, hate crime and discrimination.